Image of Yuriy Shevchuk

Yuriy Shevchuk

1957-05-16 Yagodnoe, Magadanskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR

Image of Yuriy Shevchuk


Yuri Shevchuk (Russian: Юрий Юлиа́нович Шевчу́к; born 16 May 1957) is a Soviet and Russian rock musician, songwriter, poet, actor, artist, producer and public figure. Founder, leader and the only permanent member of DDT band. Founder and leader of LLP "DDT Theatre". He is best known for his distinctive gravelly voice. His lyrics detail aspects of Russian life with a wry, humanistic sense of humor. He is also famous for opposing pop music culture (especially playback performances) for many years. He is often accredited with being the greatest songwriter in present-day Russia.


ШпионоВания Self 2020-09-18
Юра музыкант self 2019-08-03
Квартирник НТВ у Маргулиса. Новогодний выпуск. Незваные гости Юрий Шевчук 2018-12-31
Небо под сердцем 2012-04-05
Жила-была одна баба командир антоновского отряда (нет в титрах) 2011-10-27
Антонина обернулась 2007-01-01
Александр Башлачёв. Смертельный полёт himself 2005-02-17
Вовочка 2002-01-14
ДДТ: Мир номер ноль Guitar, Vocal 1998-01-01
ДДТ: Рожденный в СССР Vocal, Guitar 1997-02-01
ДДТ: От & До Vocal, Guitar 1995-06-26
ДДТ: Чёрный пёс Петербург Vocals, acoustic guitar 1992-12-11
ДДТ: Старая дорога Vocal, Guitar 1990-02-08
Город 1990-01-01
Духов день Ivan Khristoforov 1990-01-01
Ночь длинных ножей 1990-04-01
ДДТ: Пластун Vocal, Guitar 1989-02-05
ДДТ: Оттепель Vocal, Guitar 1988-08-04
Рок himself 1988-01-19