Image of Li Landi

Li Landi

1999-09-02 Beijing, China

Image of Li Landi


Li Landi, also known as Landy Li, is a film and television actress from mainland China. In 2009, 10-year-old Li Landy set foot in the film and television circle by making his first film, Who Loved You Lost? In 2013, he starred in Osmanthus fragrans in the action film Fuchun Mountain Residence Map. In 2015, he co-starred with Zhu Zimiao in the urban love drama "Bright Ming Tian". In 2016, Yao Yao, a kind girl in the urban love idol drama "Far from the Dead Love", won the most potential children's actress award in June with the children's inspirational film "Young Chess King". In 2017, she was known by her audience in the "heart less Master II", playing the simple sentiments of peach. In the same year, she won the Iqiyi scream night's New Drama Award by virtue of her youth campus drama "Hello, old time".


抗战中的文艺 孟于 2024-04-19
宠爱 Gao Mengmeng 2019-12-31
伊阿索密码 Lin Yu Qi 2018-06-22
少年棋王 蓝玉儿 2014-01-01
天机:富春山居图 Gui Hua 2013-06-09
全民目击 2013-09-12