Image of Judy Sinclair

Judy Sinclair

1934-09-13 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Image of Judy Sinclair



Away from Her Mrs. Albright 2007-05-04
Roxy Hunter and the Mystery of the Moody Ghost Mrs. MacNeil 2007-10-30
Cypher Elderly Woman In Elevator 2002-10-01
Get a Clue Lady #1 2002-06-28
Wild Iris LaNelle Turrell 2001-01-01
Don't Say a Word Zelda Sinclair 2001-09-28
Cruel Intentions 2 Mrs. Gagin 2000-11-09
White Lies Wife 1998-03-29
Getting Away with Murder Old Woman 1996-04-12
The Broken Cord Mrs. Miller 1992-02-03
Heaven On Earth Hazel Croft 1987-03-01
Home to Stay Edith Brewster 1978-05-02