Image of Marko Mägi

Marko Mägi


Image of Marko Mägi


Marko Mägi (April 29, 1971 – May 29, 2021) was an Estonian poet and journalist. Mägi debuted in 2012 with his debut poetry collection "Maitsestatud kanad". For this, he was nominated for the Betti Alver Debut Award. In 2015, he published the collection of poems "Pealehakkamise küsimus" and the collection of short stories "Luukerena laanes ja linnas".


Enam kui elu Self 2018-03-22
Soovide puu Junkie 2 2008-12-11
Jan Uuspõld läheb Tartusse Reporter Marko 2007-02-10
Tabamata ime Self 2006-02-12