Image of Nermin EL Fee'y

Nermin EL Fee'y

1972-06-21 الأسكندرية

Image of Nermin EL Fee'y


Born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. Nermine completed her pre-University studies at Victoria College then went to Alexandria University where she majored in Commerce. Prior to acting in movies, she appeared in various television advertisements, but her first acting roles where in television series.


تحت الترابيزة 2016-09-11
الخيول تنام واقفة Eman 2009-03-22
نساء لا تعرف الندم Aziza 2009-08-22
دكتور سيلكون 2009-03-18
امرأة في شق الثعبان Bouthaina 2007-03-22
أولاد عزام 2007-09-13
بنات عمري Sahar & Samar 2007-08-15
الكاشي ماشي 2000-12-27
Fal-Elfal بسمة 2000-02-13
أنا ومراتي ومونيكا 1998-11-10