Image of Lee Myung-bak

Lee Myung-bak

1941-12-19 Hirano, Osaka, Japan

Image of Lee Myung-bak



전투왕 Self (archive footage) 2022-02-17
족벌-두 신문 이야기 Self (archive footage) 2021-01-01
Corée, la guerre de cent ans Self (archive footage) 2020-06-11
시민 노무현 Self (archive footage) 2019-05-23
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다이빙벨 그후 Self (archive footage) 2018-05-24
PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Opening Ceremony: Peace in Motion Self 2018-02-09
공범자들 Self (archive footage) 2017-08-17
저수지 게임 Self (archive footage) 2017-09-07
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MB의 추억 Self 2012-10-18
맥코리아 Himself (archive footage) 2012-10-18
하얀 정글 Himself (archive footage) 2011-12-01
2008年第29届北京奥运会开幕式 Self 2008-08-08