Image of Michael Sigler

Michael Sigler

1964-07-02 Frostburg, Maryland, USA

Image of Michael Sigler



Hank's Christmas Wish Hank Graham 2023-11-01
Interface Mr. Palmer 2023-03-28
Samu Samu 2021-10-22
The Bridge Charlie Santora 2021-01-19
The Man Who Went to Heaven Randall Getz 2021-08-23
Dispatched Mayor 2020-05-04
Light Up Night Pastor Wayne 2020-12-24
Jack Jonah Kirk Jonah 2019-12-01
John Light Matt Garrett 2019-08-17
The Zombie Club Coach Tanner 2019-09-28
The Cabin Roy 2019-07-01
A Child of the King 2019-12-25
Loophole Danel Turel 2019-01-08
The Follower Elisha 2019-06-23
Megan's Christmas Miracle Restaurant Host 2018-10-10
Aftermath James 2018-08-13
Dawn Donald Saunders 2018-01-25
Everyone Loves Bulldog Mr. Solverson 2018-11-27
Malice: Emergence George Montaigne 2017-10-31
And God Made Man Steve McCabe
Until the Last Promise Richard Kennedy