Image of Ryunosuke Kamiki

Ryunosuke Kamiki

1993-05-19 Saitama, Japan

Image of Ryunosuke Kamiki


Ryunosuke Kamiki (born May 19, 1993) is a Japanese actor. He entered the industry in 1995 when he was only 2 years old. He made his drama debut in "Good News", which gained him immense popularity through his first full-time role as Naoya, playing the son of SMAP's Masahiro Nakai. In 2001, he was discovered by Hayao Miyazaki, and ended up voicing Bao in the animated film "Spirited Away" by Studio Ghibli, the highest-grossing Japanese film in Japan. From 1999 to 2002 he had appeared in over a dozen projects, earning him the title of a child prodigy. He was awarded his first award for "Backdrop del mio Papá" when he was only 11. From 2004 to 2020, he has won awards every one or two alternative years. Today, Ryu remains an iconic and beloved actor in the Japanese industry. He has the reputation of a reliable lead actor who goes into character as soon as the cameras start rolling. For his successful transition from a child actor to a main lead combined with his modest personality, has made him a role model for many. When choosing works, he likes to experiment with roles or plots. He does not mind too much about popularity or being the main lead as long as he likes his role. Rather than "aiming for a big goal ahead", he is the type to do the job in front of him wholeheartedly. He has appeared in numerous award-winning projects. In 2011, he won his first international award for playing the main lead in the Amade Prize–winning "Threads of Our Hearts". To date, he has been an integral part of all the top 4 highest-grossing Japanese movies in Japan. His works continue to break records as his movie "your name." became the highest-grossing Japanese movie of all time internationally. Ryu, alongside acting and voice acting, has dabbled in multiple fields. For variety shows he often does many documentaries. He even interviewed Will Smith for the magazine TV program 'ZIP!'. In 2015, he released his first book "Master's Café". Ryu challenged his first stage play with "Beautiful: The Woman Who Met with God", directed and written by Suzuki Matsuo, in 2019. The following year, he debuted in multiple fields such as a radio DJ for 'All Night Nippon 0' (ANN0) on 11th October 2020, which airs 3 am at nights between Saturday and Sunday. His directorial debut was with the music video for "I Treasure You" for SUPER HANDSOME COLLECTION "JUMP↑". He opened his own YouTube channel. He was also the official photographer for Takeru Satoh's 2021 calendar. In 2020, Ryu was awarded at the Elan d'or Award Ceremony, one of the most prestigious awards in Japan for completing 25 years in the industry. To thank his fans, he started the 25th Anniversary Celebration Project.


終りに見た街 Igarashi 2024-09-21
アット・ザ・ベンチ 2024-11-15
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ゴジラ-1.0 Koichi Shikishima 2023-11-03
大名倒産 Koshiro Matsudaira 2023-06-23
すずめの戸締まり Tomoya Serizawa (voice) 2022-11-11
ゴーストブック おばけずかん Mysterious bookstore owner 2022-07-22
ホリック xxxHOLiC Kimihiro Watanuki 2022-04-29
ノイズ Shinichiro Moriya 2022-01-27
Dr.コトー診療所 Ryuichi Sugimoto 2022-12-16
るろうに剣心 最終章 The Final Sojiro Seta 2021-04-23
妖怪大戦争 ガーディアンズ Kato 2021-07-01
100日間生きたワニ 2021-07-09
シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版:|| Shinji Ikari (voice) 2021-03-08
パ・ラパパンパン 2021-11-02
岩井秀人プロデュース「いきなり本読み!」 松たか子×神木隆之介×後藤剛範×大倉孝二 2020-12-25
神木隆之介 25周年 アニバーサリー DVD Himself 2020-09-24
ラストレター Young Kyoshiro 2020-01-17
タケルノープランドライブ Himself 2020-03-31
ほんとにあった怖い話 2020特別編 Naoya Ozawa 2020-10-31
屍人荘の殺人 Yuzuru Hamura 2019-12-13
フォルトゥナの瞳 Shinichiro Kiyama 2019-02-15
The Songs of Studio Ghibli Host 2019-02-17
天気の子 Taki Tachibana (voice) 2019-06-19
ほんとにあった怖い話 2018 Sasaki Yusuke 2018-08-18
3月のライオン 前編 Rei Kiriyama 2017-03-18
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない 第一章 Kōichi Hirose 2017-08-04
3月のライオン 後編 Rei Kiriyama 2017-04-22
神木隆之介 Sincérité Himself 2017-01-20
メアリと魔女の花 Peter (voice) 2017-07-08
茅ヶ崎物語 ~MY LITTLE HOMETOWN~ 2017-06-07
TOO YOUNG TO DIE! 若くして死ぬ Daisuke 2016-06-25
太陽 Tetsuhiko Okudera 2016-04-23
君の名は。 Taki Tachibana (voice) 2016-08-26
脳内ポイズンベリー Ishibashi 2015-05-09
バクマン。 Akito Takagi 2015-10-03
るろうに剣心 京都大火編 Sojiro Seta 2014-08-01
時は立ちどまらない Mitsuhiko Hamaguchi 2014-02-22
神木隆之介20歳の旅 ベトナム国境鉄道を行く〜世界一美しい絶景棚田を求めて〜 2014-07-11
神さまの言うとおり Amaya Takeru 2014-11-15
るろうに剣心 伝説の最期編 Sojiro Seta 2014-09-13
世にも奇妙な物語 '14秋の特別編 Shirai Naoki 2014-10-18
SPEC〜零〜 Juichi Ninomae 2013-10-23
劇場版 SPEC~結~ 漸ノ篇 Juichi Ninomae 2013-11-01
劇場版 SPEC~結~ 爻ノ篇 Juichi Ninomae 2013-11-29
SPEC〜翔〜 Juichi Ninomae 2012-04-01
桐島、部活やめるってよ Ryoya Maeda 2012-08-11
劇場版 SPEC~天~ Juichi Ninomae 2012-04-07
とある飛空士への追憶 Charles Karino (voice) 2011-10-01
心の糸 Nagakura Akihito 2010-11-27
借りぐらしのアリエッティ Shou (voice) 2010-07-16
サマーウォーズ Kenji Koiso (voice) 2009-08-01
20世紀少年 ぼくらの旗 Katsumata 2009-08-19
ピアノの森 Shuhei Amamiya (voice) 2007-07-21
Little DJ 小さな恋の物語 Taro Takano 2007-12-15
大日本人 Warabe-no-jû 2007-05-19
遠くの空に消えた Ryusuke 2007-08-18
映画ドラえもん のび太の恐竜2006 Piisuke (voice) 2006-03-04
星をかった日 Nona (Voice) 2006-01-03
ズー 2005-03-19
妖怪大戦争 Tadashi Ino 2005-08-06
ハウルの動く城 Markl (voice) 2004-09-09
インストール Kazuyoshi Aoki 2004-12-25
恋愛小説 Young Satoshi Kubo 2004-06-19
大奥スペシャル〜幕末の女たち〜 Keifuku Tokugawa 2004-03-25
SURVIVE STYLE5+ 2004-09-25
SURVIVE STYLE5+ Seiichi Kobayashi 2004-09-25
お父さんのバックドロップ Kazuo Shimoda 2004-10-09
踊る大捜査線 THE MOVIE 2 レインボーブリッジを封鎖せよ! Pickpocket Family: Son 2003-07-19
ロッカーズ 2003-09-27
救命病棟24時 スペシャル 2002 Ryota Inamoto 2001-12-31
千と千尋の神隠し Boh (voice) 2001-07-20