Image of Hani Adel

Hani Adel

1976-09-08 Cairo, Egypt

Image of Hani Adel


Hany Adel began singing at a young age. He has (been intent) on forming a band since 1999 when he used to sing and play the guitar at (hotels and parties). It should be noted that he could sing in both French and English. Due to the fact that he believed that music and song are best (within the context of a band), he put together the band “Wust Al Balad” which is formed of seven members. Hany graduated from the faculty of law and has since (achieved a great measure of success) in music. (Thereafter) he progressed to cinema where his good-looks and acting skills have served him well.


وحشتيني Sherif 2024-07-18
Hidden Strike Captain Azir 2023-07-06
الندّاهة 2021-05-13
كوكو شانيل 2021-07-20
جريمة الإيموبيليا 2019-02-20
الكنز 2: الحب والمصير Samnout 2019-08-10
الكنز: الحقيقة والخيال 2017-08-31
هيبتا: المحاضرة الأخيرة Yehia 2016-04-20
إشتباك Adam 2016-07-27
ديكور 2014-09-18
لا مؤاخذة عبد الله بيتر سوسه / غناء 2014-01-19
المعدية 2014-03-12
فتاة المصنع Salah 2014-03-19
بيبو وبشير Tariq 2011-08-30
أسماء مسعد 2011-12-07
ولد و بنت 2010-02-10
هليوبوليس Hany 2010-04-28
ميكروفون هاني 2010-01-26
زي النهاردة Resturant Singer 2008-10-01
عودة الندلة 2006-07-25