Image of Chung King-Fai

Chung King-Fai

1937-03-23 Bangkok, Thailand

Image of Chung King-Fai


Chung King-Fai (鍾景輝) is a Hong Kong stage, film and television actor. Born in Bangkok, Thailand, he lived in Taishan, China and later in Hong Kong. After graduating from Pui Ching Middle School (香港培正中學) in Hong Kong, he majored in English at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then moved to the United States to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Speech and Drama at the Oklahoma Baptist University, and a Master of Fine Arts degree at Yale University's School of Drama. Back in Hong Kong, he worked a teacher at Baptist College, and as an actor and television producer for Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) and later Asia Television Limited (ATV). In 1983, he was appointed the founding Dean of Drama at the Hong Kong Academy for Performance Arts and remained in the post for 18 years.


七人樂隊 Old Man's Father (segment "Astray") 2022-07-07
非同凡響 Zoey's grandfather 2018-10-11
冲天火 Tinbo's Father 2016-11-25
驚心破 King Cheung 2016-10-20
媽咪俠 2015-05-29
青春夢工場 Boss 2005-03-19
源来是爱 2003-10-30
目露凶光 1999-10-16
算死草 Sir Ho Sai 1997-07-31
虎度門 Chan Yiu Jo 1996-04-03
賭神3之少年賭神 Kent 1996-12-13
大三元 Dinosaur 1996-02-15
黑俠 Police Commissioner 1996-11-07
清官難審 1994-11-10
我和春天有個約會 1994-04-20
昨夜長風 1994-09-17
最愛 Dr. King 1986-07-24
傾城之戀 Mr. Hsu 1984-08-02