Image of Vincent Lyn

Vincent Lyn

1959-06-06 British Royal Air Force Base, Aden, Yemen

Image of Vincent Lyn



Break-Neck Brilliance: A New Era of Jackie Chan and Skeleton-Shattering Stunts Self 2023-04-25
Heromakers Self 2003-07-08
情陷曼哈顿 2001-07-15
大哥讓位 1991-01-25
轟天龍 Vincent 1991-05-23
飛鷹計劃 Mark 1991-02-07
女機械人 Sheik's Bodyguard 1991-05-31
皇家師姐5:中間人 Alan 1990-06-15
The King of the Kickboxers Warehouse Fighter #2 (as Vicent Lyn) 1990-11-01
最佳賊拍檔 Miego's man 1990-03-17
都市煞星 1990-10-25
師姐大晒 Thug 1989-04-28
鐵膽雄風 Thug 1989-07-14
特警屠龍 Vincent 1988-07-28