Image of Liu Chunyan

Liu Chunyan

1966-08-20 Beijing, China

Image of Liu Chunyan


Liu Chunyan was born in Beijing on August 20, 1966. She graduated from the Communication University of China and is a dubber and actor for China Central Television. Liu Chunyan has hosted the program "Windmill" since 1991 and has created images such as Littlefoot, Scarab, and Mr. Jin that children deeply love. In 1993, she was transferred to the youth department as director and host. In 2001, she began to host programs such as "Smart House", "Dolls Leading One", and "Windmill Mystery Society". In 1999, she won the silver medal of the 4th "Golden Microphone Award". 2011 she won the "China Broadcasting and Hosting Golden Microphone Award". On January 28, 2015, she dubbed the mascot "Yang Yang" at the Year of the Sheep Gala.


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