Image of Yevgeni Kotov

Yevgeni Kotov


Image of Yevgeni Kotov


Actor of the Leningrad Theater Studio under the direction of. S.E. Radlova (1939-1942 - Leningrad Theater named after the Leningrad Soviet). In 1942, he was evacuated with the theater to Pyatigorsk, where he fell into occupation. In 1943, part of the troupe led by Radlov moved to Zaporozhye, then to Berlin. At the end of the war he found himself in northern France. Actor of the Odessa Russian Drama Theater. Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.


Опасная женщина 1991-12-01
Зигзаг uncle Kolya 1980-01-01
Иностранка Mikhail Ivanovich 1965-12-06
На зелёной земле моей... accountant 1958-12-14