Image of Steven Hao

Steven Hao

1990-01-04 Taipei, Taiwan

Image of Steven Hao


Steven Hao Shao-Wen (郝劭文) is a Taiwanese actor born in Taipei. He is sometimes credited as Kok Siu-Man and Fok Siu-Man in Cantonese. He became famous as a child actor in the mid-1990s, starring in films such as Ten Brothers (十兄弟) and Trouble Maker (蠟筆小小生). He took a break from acting in 2003 to focus on his studies. In 2008, he was admitted to the Department of Transportation Management at Tamkang University. He returned to acting the next year.


青檀 2024-03-22
醉后一拳 Lin Xi 2024-08-03
特殊保镖5无限街区 2022-07-19
逃学神探 Zhu Baofa 2022-12-15
超神保镖 Tony 2021-04-22
春光灿烂猪八戒 2021-10-17
降龙大师之捉妖榜 Afu 2020-04-30
赤狐书生 2020-12-04
降妖伏魔之定海神针 Silver 2020-03-28
真愛神出來 Meng Huo 2019-01-04
美人心 Fu Chai 2019-06-20
秦明·生死语者 2019-06-14
新乌龙院之笑闹江湖 Xiao Wen 2018-08-17
推理笔记 Mi Kaka 2017-11-24
推理笔记 米卡卡 2017-11-24
致青春·原来你还在这里 Song Ming 2016-07-08
笑林足球 2016-11-06
我們全家不太熟 Dapang 2015-12-31
那些年,我們一起追的女孩 Hsieh Ming-ho / Fattie 2011-08-19
慢性中毒 2009-10-10
来去少林 朱小三 2003-09-05
好孩子 1999-07-20
小鬼遇到兵 1998-01-15
面青青 有排驚 1998-09-19
超級3等兵 1997-05-03
天生絕配 1997-01-01
天庭外傳 Piggy 1997-06-01
火燒島之橫行霸道 Wen 1997-04-25
Ninja Kids 郝劭文 1997-06-01
漫画王 1996-03-11
龍在少林 Little Emperor/King 1996-07-05
狗蛋大兵 1996-12-28
黃金島歷險記 Chu Si-ting (as Shao-wen Hao) 1996-08-02
蠟筆小小生 Siu Sang 1995-04-01
祖孫情 Jiang Xing Kang 1995-06-24
十兄弟 Fifth Brother 1995-12-23
無敵反斗星 Little Wen 1995-07-20
中國龍 1995-01-28
笑林小子2:新烏龍院 Wen 1994-12-04
笑林小子 Pi Shao-An 1994-08-05