Image of Tara Bixler

Tara Bixler

Image of Tara Bixler



Grim Reaper Bethany 2021-10-28
Fangs 2021-02-06
Blood Cove Officer Bella Evans 2019-10-31
Legend of Demoniac Blair 2018-01-28
Graveyard Stories Dakota Nichols 2017-05-21
A Whisper in the Dark 2 Rebecca Watson 2017-04-01
The Shadow Zone Sinclair 2016-04-17
A Whisper in the Dark Rebecca Watson 2015-04-26
Night Crimes Officer Samantha Cromwell 2015-11-15
After Dark Katie Sinclair 2012-04-21
Bloodstone II Quintana 2011-08-06