Image of Xiaofei Sun

Xiaofei Sun

1925-01-01 Suihua,Heilongjiang Province,China

Image of Xiaofei Sun


Sun Xiaofei (1925-1991) was originally named Sun Kezhong, a native of Zhaodong, Heilongjiang. In 1947, he participated in the Northeast Cultural Workers Regiment. In September 1948, he was transferred to the Northeast Film Studio (formerly Changying) as an actor. In his more than 40-year film career, he has created many characters with different personalities on the screen


봉황천화- 절대병기의 비밀 2020-02-01
拂晓的爆炸 1984-06-01
仇侣 1982-06-01
三进山城 周锁林 1965-01-01
An Independent Battalion 1964-04-07
甲午风云 1962-01-01
战火中的青春 Liberation army soldier 1959-12-01
В едином строю 1959-10-05
民兵的儿子 1958-03-07
红孩子 Canmou Lai 1958-03-31
边寨烽火 1957-12-01
新局长到来之前 1956-05-02
马兰花开 1956-05-01
草原上的人们 1953-11-01
刘胡兰 大胡子 1950-12-31
钢铁战士 1950-09-01
辽远的乡村 1950-12-31
无形的战线 Sun Fei 1949-12-01
光芒万丈 1949-05-01
Worker 1949-01-02