Image of Peggy Neal

Peggy Neal

1947-11-24 Biloxi - Mississippi - USA

Image of Peggy Neal


Peggy Neal was born in Biloxi, MS, on November, 24, 1947. She moved to Japan to attend Sophia University of Japan. During her time there she began a career as an actress starring in such films as The Terror Beneath the Sea (1966), The X From Outer Space (1967), and Las Vegas Free-for-All (1967). After over a fifty year hiatus she returned to acting in The Great Buddha Arrival (2019).


大仏廻国 Dr. Mary Lisa Gleason 2018-12-15
クレージー黄金作戦 Mary 1967-04-28
宇宙大怪獣ギララ Lisa 1967-03-25
海底大戦争 Jenny Gleason 1966-07-01