Image of Tharaa Goubail

Tharaa Goubail

1991-01-05 Egypt

Image of Tharaa Goubail


Tharaa Goubail is an Egyptian actress. She studied screen writing at Cairo's High Institute of Cinema. She started acting in short films and graduation projects from the institute. In 2013, she appeared in three television series: “Nekdeb law Olna Mabenhebbesh” (We'd be Lying if We Say we Don't Love), “Zat”, and “Adam we Gamila” (Adam and Gamila). She then landed bigger roles in two television series the following year: “Segn El Nesa” (Women's Jail) and “Sadiq El Omr” (Lifelong Freind).


تاني تاني 2024-05-22
رهبة 2023-05-24
إتنين للإيجار 2023-01-25
أما عن حالة الطقس 2022-10-23
الكاهن 2021-12-29
حمام سخن 2021-03-20
الملك لير 2019-02-13
بين بحرين 2019-10-16
1984 2014-12-31