Image of Zhu Jiaxi

Zhu Jiaxi

1991-03-08 Shanghai, China

Image of Zhu Jiaxi


Actress, singer, and model from Mainland China. In 2010, Zhu Jiaxi debuted because he participated in and won the national runner-up of "Budweiser Music Kingdom". Since then, she has participated in a series of variety show. In 2014, Zhu Jiaxi starred in the screen debut of "Fen Xian Jing 3 "; in the same year, she also starred in her first online drama " Bao Xiao Gong Tang ".


巨兽来袭3 2022-03-29
狄仁杰之迷雾神都 2021-01-26
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天乩之天帝传说 2019-02-23
机甲神七 Lele 2018-08-26
血伞凶灵 2017-02-17
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僵尸归来2:消失的御林军 玉儿 2016-03-29
超能太监2黄金右手 Shuang'er 2016-05-06
僵尸归来3:风吹头弯 玉儿 2016-06-04
僵尸归来 玉儿 2015-01-01
道士出山2:伏魔軍團 2015-06-12
整容前规则 Wan Jun 2015-10-30
山炮进城 2015-10-27
丧尸大战僵尸 2015-11-27
校园疯骚史之舞动青春 Cheng Nuo 2015-04-28