Image of Ji Zhao

Ji Zhao

Image of Ji Zhao


Graduated from the Acting Department of the Film and Television College of Tianjin University, and a master's degree in Acting at the Meishi Film School of Chongqing University


漫画雄心 Qiang Zi 2021-08-31
崂山道士 Brother Gui 2021-11-18
真假美猴王之大圣无双 Wu Ching 2020-12-05
大漠悍刀行 Liao Renyu 2019-08-05
新封神之哪吒闹海 Zhang Fenglei 2019-05-14
七月半3:灵触第七感 Li Sun 2017-11-24
七月半2:前世今生 Qian Kun 2016-09-21