Image of Mostafa Darwish

Mostafa Darwish

1969-05-14 Egypt

Image of Mostafa Darwish


An Egyptian actor, born on May 14, 1969. He began his career in the early nineties by working in the theater, then worked on television and in cinema, specializing in comedic roles. Among his most famous works are the play Mohamed Ali Street (1991), the movie Star of the East (1999), and the series Mabrouk, You Have a Problem (2005).


200 جنيه 2021-08-18
المشخصاتي تو 2016-02-17
حارة مزنوقة 2015-08-12
هز وسط البلد 2015-01-25
تتح 2013-05-05
كف القمر 2011-11-02
أشرف حرامي 2008-11-05
مستر كاراتيه الزوج الغيور 1993-03-24
شارع محمد علي 1991-07-10