Image of Wong Kung-Miu

Wong Kung-Miu

Image of Wong Kung-Miu



錦衣衛 Uncle Chen 1984-10-19
鲨鱼烧卖 1982-02-19
摩登大食懶 1981-09-18
洪文定三破白蓮教 Shop Owner 1980-01-01
插翅難飛 Inn waiter 1980-02-28
萬人斬 Waiter 1980-03-28
廣東十虎與後五虎 Town Folk 1979-12-25
教頭 1979-06-16
猴形扣手 1979-02-15
發窮惡 Grandfather 1979-08-23
梁天來 Teashop worker 1979-04-05
四二八 1978-01-05
O女 Jewellery pedlar 1978-04-28
子曰:食色性也 1978-08-25
五毒 Townsfolk 1978-08-12
猩猩王 Spectator at hotel window 1977-08-11
多情劍客無情劍 Waiter 1977-10-14
辭郎洲 1976-04-12
神打 Clothes Hawker 1975-11-28
巴黎殺手 Father 1974-01-01
蛇殺手 1974-02-05
The Villains Brothel customer 1973-03-09
馬永貞 Wrestling Spectator (extra) 1972-02-11
五虎屠龍 Villager 1970-03-26
張愛蘭巧破黑手黨 Cheung Yuet-Ting 1965-12-15
奪魂旗(上集) 1963-05-08
Japanese soldier 1959-07-29
烽火佳人 Captain 1958-01-09
後窗 Onlooker 1955-07-12
萬里行屍 Fisherman 1954-11-19