Image of Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy

Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy

1946-07-23 Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovskaya oblast, RSFSR, USSR

Image of Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy


Aleksandr Kaydanovskiy (23 July 1946 — 2 December 1995) was a Soviet actor and film director. His best known roles are in films such as Stalker, At Home Among Strangers, and The Bodyguard. Prior to pursuing an acting career, Kaydanovskiy attended technical college where he trained to become a welder. In 1965 he started studying acting at The Rostov Theatre School and the Shchukin theatrical school in Moscow. Before completing the course he took his first part in the film The Mysterious Wall and upon graduation in 1969, he worked as stage actor, making his debut at the Vakhtangov Theatre in 1969. In 1971, he was invited to join the prestigious Moscow Arts Theatre, a rare privilege for a 25-year-old graduate. He made his major film debut in At Home Among Strangers, and over the next few years appeared in some two dozen films, including the satirical comedy Diamonds for Dictatorship of the Proletariat and The Life of Beethoven. At his peak in the '70s Kaidanovsky was among the USSR’s most popular actors, and it was at this point that famed Soviet director Andrei Tarkovsky, impressed by the looks and the acting technique of Kaidanovsky in Diamonds, invited him to play the title role in his new film, Stalker. The role earned Kaydanovskiy international acclaim. In 1985 he directed A Simple Death, which was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1987 Cannes Film Festival. In 1993 he directed Just Death, which was about the death of Leo Tolstoy.


Откровения незнакомцу Kriouchoff 1996-06-14
Прибытие поезда 1996-10-08
Bűvös vadász Maxim 1994-10-23
Łza księcia ciemności 1993-03-06
El aliento del diablo Damian 1993-10-29
Параджанов: Последняя весна Himself, Tarkovsky's actor 1992-12-30
Сон смешного человека Narrator (voice) 1992-10-07
Перевал Narrator (voice) 1988-09-01
Новые приключения янки при дворе короля Артура Sir Lancelot 1988-06-06
Десять негритят captain Philip Lombard 1988-01-31
Мой дом - театр 1987-04-01
Контракт 1985-01-01
Atsiprašau Pranas 1982-12-05
Кафедра Valentin Orlov 1982-07-06
Faktas Stanislav 1981-06-04
И с вами снова я... 1981-01-01
Рассказ неизвестного человека 1980-01-01
Рафферти Эймс 1980-03-19
Возвращение 1980-01-01
Спасатель 1980-10-27
Сталкер Stalker 1979-05-25
Телохранитель Mirzo 1979-01-01
Test pilota Pirxa Tom Novak 1979-05-25
Поворот doctor 1979-04-09
Кто поедет в Трускавец? 1978-05-26
Золотая речка бывший царский офицер Кирилл Зимин 1977-01-03
Вперед, время! 1977-05-27
Это было в Коканде поручик Зайченко 1977-02-09
Мое дело 1976-08-15
Бриллианты для диктатуры пролетариата Vorontsov 1976-06-21
Как важно быть серьёзным Джон Уортинг 1976-12-31
Под крышами Монмартра 1975-01-03
Следую своим курсом 1975-06-09
Пропавшая экспедиция Кирилл Петрович Зимин (бывший царский офицер) 1975-12-29
Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих Поручик Лемке 1974-11-11
Дети Ванюшина Костя 1974-02-11
Крах инженера Гарина Вольф 1973-10-15
Hráč 1972-11-17
Четвертый 1972-12-11
Математик и чёрт Черт 1972-06-06
И был вечер, и было утро 1971-03-02
Собака Баскервилей Джэк Стэплтон 1971-05-31
Пятнадцатая весна Messenger 1971-05-10
Спокойный день в конце войны Sergeant 1970-04-01
Драма на охоте Граф Карнеев 1970-12-31
Первая любовь 1969-02-09
Дворянское гнездо 1969-08-25
Анна Каренина Jules Landeau 1967-11-06
Таинственная стена 1967-01-01