Image of Alisa Freyndlikh

Alisa Freyndlikh

1934-12-08 Leningrad, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union

Image of Alisa Freyndlikh


Alisa Brunovna Freindlich (Russian: Али́са Бру́новна Фре́йндлих, born 8 December 1934 in Leningrad, Soviet Union) is a Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the Soviet Union. Alisa Freindlich was born into the family of Bruno Freindlich, a prominent actor and People's Artist of the Soviet Union. She is of German and Russian ancestry. Her father and paternal relatives were ethnic Germans living in Russia for more than a century. In her childhood years, Alisa Freindlich attended the drama and music classes of the Leningrad Palace of Pioneers. During the Second World War she survived the 900-day-long Siege of Leningrad and continued her school studies after the war. In the 1950s she studied acting at the Leningrad Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema, graduating in 1957 as actress. From 1957 to 1961 Alisa Freindlich was a member of the troupe at Komissarjevsky Theatre in Leningrad. Then she joined the Lensovet Theatre company, but in 1982, she had to leave it following her divorce from the theatre's director, Igor Vladimirov. Thereupon director Georgy Tovstonogov invited her to join the troupe of BDT in which she works to this day. Although Freindlich put a premium on her stage career, she starred in several notable movies, including Eldar Ryazanov's enormously popular comedy Office Romance (1977), the long-banned epic Agony (1975) and Tarkovsky's sci-fi movie Stalker (1979). Another notable role was the Queen Anne of Austria in the Soviet TV series D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers (1978) and its later Russian sequels, Musketeers Twenty Years Later (1992) and Queen Anne's Secret or Musketeers Thirty Years Later (1993). On her 70th birthday, Freindlich's apartment in St. Petersburg was visited by Vladimir Putin, who awarded her with state decoration of the Russian Federation. She also received a Nika Award in 2005.


Родители строгого режима мать 2022-04-14
Алиса: Волнение Self 2020-10-02
БДТ Digital: Волнение 2020-04-19
Карп отмороженный Людмила Борисовна (соседка Елены) 2017-11-07
Большой Beletskaya 2016-12-21
Голоса herself 2014-01-28
Линия Марты Марья Петрова 2014-01-29
Полторы комнаты, или Сентиментальное путешествие на Родину Mother 2009-01-23
Возвращение мушкетёров или Сокровища кардинала Мазарини 2009-02-05
Александр Володин. Печальный марафон 2006-04-24
На Верхней Масловке Анна Борисовна 2005-11-03
Квартет 2005-11-29
Подмосковные вечера Irina Dmitrievna 1994-06-06
Мушкетеры 20 лет спустя 1993-01-01
Тайна королевы Анны, или Мушкетёры 30 лет спустя Queen Anna 1993-06-06
Будни и праздники Серафимы Глюкиной Serafima Glukina 1988-01-14
Прости 1986-11-01
Тайна Снежной королевы Snow Queen 1986-06-05
Простая смерть 1985-03-01
Успех Zinaida Nikolayevna Arsenyeva 1984-06-06
Жестокий романс Ogudalova 1984-06-06
Вместе с Дунаевским 1984-01-30
Клетка для канареек Olesya's Mother 1983-10-10
Пятый десяток 1982-01-01
Сергей Иванович уходит на пенсию 1981-04-20
Агония Vyrubova 1981-09-01
Опасный возраст Lilia Ivanovna Rodimtseva 1981-10-20
Три года 1980-01-01
Старомодная комедия Lidiya Vasilyevna 1980-02-11
Разлученные 1980-02-08
Сталкер Stalker's Wife 1979-05-25
Служебный роман Людмила Прокофьевна Калугина 1977-10-26
Принцесса на горошине Queen 1976-11-01
Голубой щенок Blue Puppy (voice) 1976-11-28
Всегда со мною... 1976-06-06
Необыкновенное воскресенье 1975-12-30
Анна и командор Anna 1975-11-28
Поезд памяти 1975-04-24
Исполняющий обязанности 1974-07-22
Соломенная шляпка 1974-06-06
ვერის უბნის მელოდიები 1973-12-29
Моя жизнь 1972-08-07
Вчера, сегодня и всегда 1970-01-05
Семейное счастье 1970-06-08
Тайна железной двери Mother 1970-12-01
Великие холода 1969-02-07
Вальс 1969-11-08
Любить… Anya, tram conductor 1968-01-29
Похождения зубного врача 1967-02-27
12 стульев Эллочка-Людоедочка 1966-12-31
Первый посетитель Tanya 1966-10-31
Фро 1964-01-01
Полосатый рейс Pomoshnitsa Shuleykina v bufete tsyrka 1961-06-06
Повесть о молодоженах 1959-06-06
Город зажигает огни Pichikova 1958-07-21
Бессмертная песня 1957-08-04
Таланты и поклонники 1956-01-31