Image of Miki Odagiri

Miki Odagiri

1930-06-29 Sendagaya, Tokyo, Japan

Image of Miki Odagiri


Miki Odagiri (小田切美喜) was known primarily for her important and timeless role as the upbeat office girl in Akira Kurosawa's classic Ikiru opposite Takashi Shimura, whose character is dying of cancer, and Miki, as Toyo Odagiri, inspires him to live... just by being herself: bubbly, spontaneous, and optimistic. Her character is also filled with blunt sarcasm that was extremely rare in movies of the early-1950's. Perhaps Miki and Takashi's most memorable scene is when she's telling him the nicknames she created for their fellow workmates... including his! Sadly, beyond Ikiru, finding the handful of other Japanese movies she appeared in, especially on DVD or Blu Ray, is extremely difficult. But she left an impression in what's considered not only one of the legendary Kurosawa's greatest achievements, but one of the best movies ever made, worldwide.


黒澤明~創ると云う事は素晴らしい~生きる Interviewee 2002-10-25
親鸞 白い道 1987-06-02
潮騒 1971-09-24
僕チン放浪記 1962-08-26
わが愛 Ohana 1959-09-24
張込み 1958-01-15
ニコヨン物語 1956-09-11
海の純情 Yumiko 1956-06-28
落日の血闘 Okatsu 1955-05-24
続警察日記 1955-11-16
生きとし生けるもの 1955-02-25
愛のお荷物 Teru 1955-03-18
月は上りぬ Fumiya 1955-01-08
母なき子 Miyoko 1955-12-04
警察日記 Momoyo 1955-02-03
女人の館 1954-11-23
太陽のない街 Fusa-chan 1954-06-24
或る女 Tsuya 1954-03-13
Oume 1953-09-15
十代の性典 1953-02-05
続十代の性典 Misae Numakura 1953-05-15
ひめゆりの塔 1953-01-09
続々十代の性典 1953-09-22
生きる Toyo 1952-10-09
田園交響楽 1938-06-11