Image of László Szabó

László Szabó

1936-03-24 Budapest, Hungary

Image of László Szabó


László Szabó (born 24 March 1936) is a Hungarian actor, film director and screenwriter. Since 1952, he has appeared in more than 120 films. These include seven films that have been screened at the Cannes Film Festival. He was born to Béla Szabó and Margit Gulyás. Between 1954-1956 he was a student at the Budapest University of Technology , during which he performed in an amateur theater group. He applied to the Theater and Film Academy as an actor, but was not accepted. He left the country in the fall of 1956 and went to Paris . Like the French new wavers, he also visited Henri Langlois ' "liberty university of film history" at the Cinématheque, watched the film series, met and talked to the directors who presented their films, and while writing in the "cahiers", interviewed Buster Keaton together with Jacques Rivette . He and a friend dropped by on the set of Chabrol (Cousins), from whom he immediately received a one-sentence role. And in his next film, Locked with the Key , a longer one. After that, Godard gave him the role of the interrogator in The Little Soldier , which was followed by other roles in more recent Godard films. He is the favorite character actor of all the directors of the new wave, everyone has a role for him, they entrust him with strange, boho characters, who always have some disturbing and annoying ulterior motives. He also took a liking to directing, and made two new-wave French films. Truffaut wrote an appreciative review of the amusing film noir The White Gloves of the Devil . Zig-Zig was played by the new wave's favorite anti-star actress, Bernadette Lafont , and a cool star, Catherine Deneuve . This is also where the self-confidence and sardonic pungency of the new wavers can be felt. Like all actor-directors, he brought out the best in his actresses, skillfully mixing dark humor and tenderness. In the meantime, from the end of the 1960s he appeared in Hungarian films, and after many character roles, he got the lead role from Zsolt Kézdi-Kovács : Miklós Dibusz, the big snooty, sumák organizer, The nice neighbor . His first and so far the only Hungarian-French direction was based on Nándor Gion's novel: Sortűz for a Black Buffalo , and his first and so far only Hungarian direction: The Man Who Slept During the Day


Les Fantômes d'Ismaël Henri Bloom 2017-05-17
Parc Balthazar Rutuola 2009-01-14
Jardins en automne 2006-09-06
Un an Poussin 2006-06-28
En jouant 'Dans la compagnie des hommes' Claude Doniol 2003-05-15
Alphaville, périphéries... 2003-01-01
C'est le bouquet ! Le gardien 2002-12-11
On appelle ça… le printemps Jean 2001-03-21
Torzók Policeman 2001-08-28
Balra a nap nyugszik 2000-01-01
Esther Kahn Ytzhok Kahn 2000-10-04
The Diary of the Hurdy-Gurdy Man 1999-01-01
Place Vendôme Charlie Rosen 1998-10-07
Az alkimista és a szűz Charlie Rosen 1998-08-20
Mange ta soupe Father 1997-11-12
Modré z neba 1997-07-17
Le Fils de Gascogne Self 1995-02-18
Haut bas fragile Le père de Louise (voice) 1995-04-12
L'Eau froide Le père de Gilles 1994-07-06
La Page blanche Le père de Gilles 1994-11-11
Les enfants jouent à la Russie Jack Valenti: The producer 1993-08-08
Laços de Sangue Pastelero 1992-10-01
Rome Roméo Producer 1992-04-22
La Sentinelle Pamiat 1992-05-20
Az utolsó nyáron 1991-10-04
L'homme qui a vu l'homme qui a vu l'ours Kovacs 1990-01-01
Tolérance Bernheim 1989-10-20
Pleure Pas My Love 1989-01-18
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Russian Interrogator 1988-02-05
La Mort mystérieuse de Nina Chéreau Marais 1988-08-24
Le Testament d'un poète juif assassiné Paul Hamburger 1988-02-26
Mr. Universe 1988-05-30
Accroche-cœur Friend director 1987-11-25
Les favoris de la lune Terrorist 1985-02-06
Liberté, la nuit Le marionnettiste 1984-10-03
Les Nuits de la pleine lune Painter at Cafe 1984-08-29
Paroles et musique Alain 1984-12-19
L'Amour par terre Virgil (as Laszlo Szabo) 1984-10-17
Debout les crabes, la mer monte ! Le directeur 1983-08-17
Cinématon XXIX N°282 1983-05-25
Dögkeselyű Kovács százados 1982-07-29
Laissé inachevé à Tokyo 1982-08-13
Passion Laszlo 1982-05-26
Ideiglenes paradicsom László / Gérard 1981-09-24
Légitime défense 1980-07-18
Le Dernier Métro Lieutnant Bergen 1980-09-17
Rue du Pied de Grue Inspecteur Paluche 1979-11-07
A kedves szomszéd 1979-03-26
Utolsó előtti ítélet A másik nyomozó 1979-04-17
Rosszemberek Írnok 1979-08-02
Minden szerdán Gazsi 1979-01-01
Cinématon N°282 1978-12-20
La Barricade du Point-du-Jour Léo Frankel 1978-11-12
La Chanson de Roland Duc Naimes / Chevalier hongrois 1978-10-04
Le dossier 51 Sarah Robski's contact 1978-08-30
Judith Therpauve 1978-10-06
L'Affiche rouge Joseph Boczov 1976-11-10
Le Mâle du siècle The gangster 1975-03-12
Örökbefogadás Jóska 1975-09-25
Hajdúk 1974-12-21
Salut, voleurs! Jo 1973-06-21
Valparaiso, Valparaiso Lazlo 1973-03-31
L'Aveu Secret police man 1970-04-29
Ismeri a szandi mandit? Szabó mérnök 1969-08-14
Holdudvar Szõlõsgazda 1969-01-09
Csend és kiáltás Detective 1968-06-12
Fejlövés Bandi 1968-10-02
Happening 1968-10-18
Eltávozott nap Francia autós (uncredited) 1968-05-16
Week End L'Arabe (uncredited) 1967-12-29
Le Désir attrapé par la queue 1967-07-24
Made in U.S.A Paul Widmark 1967-01-27
Pierrot le fou L'Exilé Politique (uncredited) 1965-11-05
Alphaville, une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution Chief Engineer (uncredited) 1965-05-05
Les Plus Belles Escroqueries du monde Police Inspector (segment "Le Grand escroc") 1964-08-14
Le Grand Escroc The Police Inspector 1964-08-14
Le Petit Soldat Laszlo 1963-01-25
Ophélia 1963-02-06
Vivre sa vie: film en douze tableaux Injured Man (uncredited) 1962-09-20
La Poupée 1962-11-07
La Punition 1962-03-10
À double tour Vlado 1959-12-04
Katia (uncredited) 1959-12-22