Image of Hiroko Seki

Hiroko Seki

1929-07-30 Tokyo

Image of Hiroko Seki


Hiroko Seki ( 関 弘 子), whose real name is Kanze Hiroko ( 観 世 弘 子) , born in Tokyo on July 30, 1929 and died on May 11, 2008, is a Japanese actress . Trained at the Gekidan Haiyūza theater in Tokyo, she co-founded the Gekidan Seinenza troupe in 1954. She married Hideo Kanze in 1969, a master of noh, a form of classical Japanese theater. She has performed for both television and theater, notably Noh plays and text readings. She participated in the dubbing of two animated films by Hayao Miyazaki: Kiki's Delivery Service and Porco Rosso. She died of pneumonia at 78 years old.


紅の豚 Bâ-chan (voice) 1992-07-18
あげまん 1990-06-02
魔女の宅急便 Barsa (voice) 1989-07-29
人魚伝説 Nobu 1984-04-14
お葬式 Teacher in Videotape 1984-11-17
第8監房 1956-01-15
太陽の季節 1956-05-17
あした来る人 Dressmaking Shop Clerk Teruko 1955-05-29
銀座二十四帖 "Bar Encore" Chaa 1955-09-14
自分の穴の中で 1955-09-28
一等女房と三等亭主 Tamago (Maid) 1953-11-11
恋人のいる街 1953-02-19
わかれ雲 Yoshiko Miki 1951-11-23