Image of Rinsaku Ogata

Rinsaku Ogata

1925-01-06 Tokyo, Japan

Image of Rinsaku Ogata


Frequent supporting player in Toho films beginning in the 50s. Ogata’s stern features lent him to background roles as military officers and personnel in several of Toho’s sci-fi films. One of his more prominent roles (i.e., it had dialogue) are as a policeman in the opening scene of The Human Vapor (1960). He also played Goro, one of the first victims in Rodan (1956).


激動の昭和史 軍閥 Fukuyama 1970-09-11
ゲゾラ・ガニメ・カメーバ 決戦!南海の大怪獣 Islander (uncredited) 1970-08-01
連合艦隊司令長官 山本五十六 Capt. Hayakawa 1968-08-14
怪獣総進撃 1st Officer (uncredited) 1968-08-01
怪獣大戦争 Scientist 1965-12-19
モスラ対ゴジラ Transport Aircraft Operations Assistant (uncredited) 1964-04-29
君も出世ができる 1964-05-30
海底軍艦 1963-12-22
女性自身 1962-05-22
忠臣蔵 花の巻・雪の巻 1962-11-03
妖星ゴラス Ôtori Engineer 1962-03-21
どぶ鼠作戦 (uncredited) 1962-06-01
続社長洋行記 1962-06-01
用心棒 Seibei Follower 1961-04-25
モスラ Ship Survivor 1961-07-30
電送人間 Other cop (uncredited) 1960-04-10
ガス人間第一号 (uncredited) 1960-12-11
宇宙大戦争 Astronomer 1959-12-26
大怪獣バラン 1958-10-14
隠し砦の三悪人 Young Man (uncredited) 1958-12-28
美女と液体人間 Nightclub patron (uncredited) 1958-06-24
地球防衛軍 Policeman Ogata 1957-12-28
空の大怪獸 ラドン Goro 1956-12-26
獣人雪男 Mountain guide (uncredited) 1955-08-14
続宮本武蔵 一乗寺の決闘 (uncredited) 1955-07-12
さらばラバウル 1954-02-10
次郎長三国志 第七部 初祝い清水港 1954-01-03
次郎長三国志 第九部 荒神山 1954-07-14
次郎長三国志 第八部 海道一の暴れん坊 1954-06-08
プーサン 1953-04-15
次郎長三国志 第五部 殴込み甲州路 1953-11-03
次郎長三国志 第六部 旅がらす次郎長一家 1953-12-15
太平洋の鷲 1953-10-21
クレージーだよ 奇想天外