Image of Judy Ongg

Judy Ongg

1950-01-24 Taipei, Taiwan

Image of Judy Ongg


Judy Ongg (Chinese: 翁倩玉; pinyin: Wēng Qiànyù; born 24 January 1950) is a Taiwanese-Japanese actress, singer, author, and woodblock-print artist. Born in Taipei, she graduated from Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan, and after which, she became a naturalized Japanese citizen. Her career has spanned more than four decades.


ミステリー作家・朝比奈耕作 花咲村の惨劇 Choko Hanayagi 2016-06-06
American Pastime Emi Nomura 2007-05-11
The Pillow Book The Mother 1995-09-01
丹波哲郎の大霊界2 死んだらおどろいた!! Goddess 1990-01-13
蜀山 - 新蜀山劍俠 Lady Li I-Chi 1983-02-05
怪盗鼠小僧といれずみ判官 1981-04-24
江戸川乱歩の「暗黒星」 より 黒水仙の美女 1978-10-14
煙雨 1975-03-28
極道VS不良番長 1974-11-22
真假千金 1971-08-06
小翠 1970-02-05
ある日わたしは 1967-10-23
サイボーグ009 怪獣戦争 Cyborg 003 (voice) 1967-03-19
サイボーグ009 Cyborg 003 (voice) 1966-07-20
黒い賭博師 悪魔の左手 1966-01-27
涙くんさよなら 1966-07-30
帰ってきた狼 1966-05-11
青春ア・ゴーゴー Yuriko Irie 1966-03-27
The Big Wave Setsu as a girl 1961-04-02