Image of Renata Sorrah

Renata Sorrah

1947-02-21 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Image of Renata Sorrah


Renata Sorrah, the artistic name of Renata Leonardo Pereira Sochaczewski (Rio de Janeiro, February 21, 1947), is an award-winning actress of theater, film and television and Brazilian theater producer, considered one of the best actresses in Brazil. Although she is best known to the public for her work on TV Globo's telenovelas, where she has eternalised great female characters, she has worked in the national theater for more than 40 years and is specialised in dramatic interpretation.


Medida Provisória Izildinha 2022-04-14
Álbum em Família 2021-08-13
70 Anos Esta Noite 2021-12-21
Dente por Dente Mierelles 2020-11-09
Mulheres Sexo Verdades Mentiras Amiga 2008-01-11
Árido Movie Stela 2005-04-14
A Dona da História Maria Helena / Vivian Maia 2004-10-01
Nina Prostituta 2004-01-28
Madame Satã Vitória dos Anjos 2002-10-03
Celebração - 100 Anos do Cinema Nacional Self 1997-01-01
O Mandarim 1995-11-06
Avaeté - Semente da Vingança Clara 1985-08-26
Lua de Mel e Amendoim Berenice 1971-08-16
Cuidado Madame 1970-01-01
Matou a Família e Foi ao Cinema Regina 1969-01-01
A Vida Provisória Moça no filme 1968-11-26