Image of James Aaron Oliver

James Aaron Oliver

1974-01-01 California, USA

Image of James Aaron Oliver


James Aaron Oliver is an American actor raised in the Oakland Bay Area. In 2008, he left Hollywood to work as as a liaison to dignitaries for the international aviation company Principal Air. He later returned to Los Angeles to teach at The Markland Studio.


Lola Officer #1 2024-02-09
In Her Name Peter 2022-06-15
Alone Wolf Benny 2020-02-12
House at the End of the Drive David 2014-01-11
Rescue Dawn Jet Pilot 2006-09-09
Our Fathers Patrick McSorley 2005-05-11
Across the Hall Terry 2005-12-24
Boardwalk Poets 2005-04-28
Laud Weiner Production Assistant 2002-06-06
Lucy James