Image of Steve Tartalia

Steve Tartalia


Image of Steve Tartalia



The Ghost Barker 2001-01-01
Manhattan Chase Keith 2000-11-20
Trinity Goes East Trinity 1998-01-01
Edge Lennox 1997-03-22
Absolute Aggression Montgomery Valentine 1996-03-01
轟天皇家將 1992-10-10
Blood Ring Philip Dalton 1991-10-23
黄飞鸿之一:壮志凌云 Tiger 1991-08-15
飛鷹計劃 Adolf's Mercenary #6 1991-02-07
驚天龍虎豹 Assassin 1990-12-21
驚天龍虎豹 Gordon Jones' Brother 1990-12-21
皇家師姐5:中間人 General's killer 1990-06-15
最佳賊拍檔 Miego's man 1990-03-17
Thunder Ninja Kids In The Golden Adventure Ninja 1989-01-01
金牌師姐 Assassin 1989-11-23
至尊無上 Gunman 1989-06-29
戰龍 Birkin 1988-07-06