Image of Chingmy Yau Suk-Ching

Chingmy Yau Suk-Ching

1968-05-16 Hong Kong, British Crown Colony [now China]

Image of Chingmy Yau Suk-Ching


​Born May 16, 1968 as Yau Suk-Ching, Chingmy Yau get her start in the entertainment industry by participating in beauty pageants. It was after her appearance at the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant in 1989 (where she took the "Miss Photogenic" trophy) that she began to get film offers. Most of her early work consisted of her playing goody-two-shoes roles in romantic comedies until notorious film-maker Wong Jing took Yau under his wing -- and into his bed, even though he was married at the time. Yau became one of the queens of Category III (Hong Kong's version of the NC-17 rating, given to movies with high doses of sex and/or violence) films, through her roles in movies such as the deliciously sleazy Naked Killer (1992). However, unlike most Cat III actresses, she never appeared fully nude. Rumors abounded that Wong Jing (who either directed or produced almost every film Yau was in at the time) had strict control over what Yau could or could not show. Despite Wong's restrictions, Yau continued to heat up the screen in her roles. She even lent a bit of "real" sensuality to the usually sexually tame Jackie Chan in 1992's City Hunter (where she sports almost the exact same outfit as worn by Lara Croft in the hit video game "Tomb Raider"). Gambling never seemed as sexy as when Yau combined kung-fu with wagering in God of Gamblers Returns (1994). Yau provided excellent comic relief (and got back a bit at the hounding Hong Kong press) as well as providing a nice bit of "eye candy" by portraying an annoying tabloid TV reporter in High Risk (1995). Despite her attempts to diversify her acting portfolio, she is still best known for her roles in ultra-sleazy exploitation flicks such as Raped by an Angel (1993). The Hong Kong tabloid press is well-known for being rabid, especially towards actresses, and Chingmy Yau was no exception. Almost from the beginning of her film career, Yau was hounded by reporters claiming that she had slept her way into the film industry, and critics were always quick to cut her down. By 1997, when she publicly announced her and Wong Jing's breakup, no one was really surprised and most people expected her to retire outright. She has continued to work -- albeit at a much slower pace, now doing about one movie a year. But it seems as if Yau is following the lead of many other Hong Kong actresses who shot to fame and left just as quickly. She recently tied the knot to a fashion designer, and if the marriage goes well, she may never work again.


左右情緣 Carol 1999-10-10
愈快樂愈墮落 Ah Moon / Rosa Gao 1998-05-14
算死草 Lotus Shui 1997-07-31
4面夏娃 Nurse/Cherry Chan 1996-10-30
紅燈區 Tung Yen 1996-06-07
百分百啱Feel Gobby 1996-12-21
港督最後一個保鑣 Siu Dau 1996-10-19
偷偷愛你 Yim Tung Tung 1996-01-04
666魔鬼復活 Chan Shou-Ching 1996-05-17
古惑仔2之猛龍過江 Ding Yiu 1996-03-30
不道德的禮物 Cher Lo 1995-11-18
慈禧秘密生活 Hui Yu Lan/Empress Tzu Hsi 1995-03-17
鼠膽龍威 Helen 1995-07-01
賭聖II:街頭賭聖 Destiny 1995-06-28
我是一個賊 Lui Chi Lan 1995-09-14
洪熙官之少林五祖 Red Bean 1994-02-05
新英雄本色 Chili 1994-07-14
賭神2 Hoi Tong 1994-12-24
新男歡女愛 BoBo 1994-04-21
香港淪陷 Law Mong-Dai 1994-12-29
戀愛的天空 Chanel 1994-06-30
笑俠楚留香 Flowerless 1993-03-11
城市獵人 Saeko Nogami / Anna 1993-01-01
倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 Siu Chiu 1993-12-18
雨夜天魔 1993-06-09
超級學校霸王 Chun May 1993-07-15
追男仔 Ching Siu Sze 1993-08-12
新人皮燈籠 Siu Fu Yung 1993-11-27
香港奇案之強姦 Yau Yuk Nam 1993-05-27
千面天王 Shun 1993-01-01
鹿鼎記 Princess King Ning 1992-07-30
噴火女郎 Wendy 1992-09-17
女黑俠黃鶯 Jane 1992-09-10
賭城大亨II之至尊無敵 Mrs Ho Mei 1992-08-20
五億探長雷洛傳III(大结局) 1992-03-14
逃學英雄傳 Kwan Tak Hing / Ng Siu Yuen 1992-02-20
鹿鼎記 II : 神龍敎 Princess King Ning 1992-09-24
赤裸羔羊 Kitty 1992-12-03
賭城大亨之新哥傳奇 Mei 1992-02-20
整蠱專家 Banana Fung 1991-02-02
五億探長雷洛傳II:父子情仇 Rose 1991-10-10
五億探長雷洛傳:雷老虎 Rose 1991-09-18
蠃錢專家 Koh Tau Tau 1991-05-22
哗鬼住正隔篱 Sandy 1990-04-26
八寶奇兵 Jenny Tung 1989-02-23
發達先生 Cha Kit Ching 1989-03-23
相見好 Cherry's housemate 1989-08-19
最佳男朋友 Gynaecologist 1989-03-17
精裝追女仔之3狼之一族 Ching 1989-12-21
嘩鬼有限公司 Yip Ling 1989-09-11
求愛敢死隊 Xiao Beibei 1988-07-18
撞邪先生 Wawa 1988-06-09
最佳損友 Beanie 1988-03-27
最佳損友闖情關 Tau Tau / Amy 1988-12-15
灵幻天师 1988-01-01