Image of Andrei Panin

Andrei Panin

1962-05-28 Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR

Image of Andrei Panin


Born May 28, 1962 in Novosibirsk, grew up in the city of Kemerovo. In Kemerovo he graduated from the directing department of the Institute of Culture. For some time the actor worked at the Minusinsk Theater. In 1990 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School (workshop of Alexander Kalyagin) and became an actor of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. Among his stage works are "Three Sisters" (Salty), "The Miserly Knight", "Marriage", the performance of the Tabakov Theater-Studio "Deadly Number", the private production of "Winter" by Evgeny Grishkovets, the sensational "Academy of Laughter" and "Three on swing" in the theater named after A.S. Pushkin. One of the first film roles Andrei Panin played in the film "In a straight line." But the actor gained fame thanks to the films "Mother, Do not Cry" by Maxim Pezhemsky, "Mother" by Denis Evstigneev, the television series "Kamenskaya" and "Border. Taiga Romance". In 2000, Andrei Panin played in the films "Wedding" by Pavel Lungin and "It is not recommended to offend women" by Valery Akhadov, as well as in the action movie "24 hours" by Alexander Atanesyan. The success of the series "Brigada" also contributed to the popularity of Andrei Panin. He also starred in such popular films as "Chic", "A Horseman Called Death", "Don't Even Think 2: Shadow of Independence", "Driver for Faith", "Shadow Boxing", "Blind Man's Buff", "Mom, Don't Cry -2". In 2006 he graduated from the experimental acting workshop at VGIK. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1999). He passed away on March 6, 2013 in Moscow. He was buried on March 12 at the Troekurovsky cemetery of the capital (site No. 6).


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Моя безумная семья Viktor Sergeevich 2012-01-05
Отрыв Grumel, the camp commander 2012-04-02
Искупление Kulturnik 2012-11-01
Орда Jani-Beg 2012-01-13
Высоцкий. Спасибо, что живой Anatoly Nefyodov 2011-12-01
Generation П Kolya 2011-04-14
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Na Izmene 2010-06-06
Апельсиновый сок 2010-11-04
Утомлённые солнцем 2: Предстояние Supervisor of children's camp 2010-04-22
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Blizkij Vrag Valek 2010-10-21
Волки Zinoviy Petrovich 2009-12-17
Обречённые на войну 2009-05-07
Buratino Artemon 2009-03-12
Поцелуй не для прессы Alexander Alexandrovich Platov 2008-02-01
Ілюзія страху 2008-09-01
Старшая жена 2008-06-07
Морфий Medical Assistant Anatoliy Lukich Demiyanenko 2008-11-27
Внук космонавта Tolyan 2007-04-11
Ванечка 2007-11-08
Prestuplenie i nakazanie Porfiri Petrovich 2007-12-03
Бой с тенью 2: Реванш Валиев 2007-10-18
Последний бронепоезд Lesorub 2006-01-04
Мена 2006-01-01
Сволочи Col. Anton Vishnevetsky 2006-02-02
Бой с Тенью Валиев 2005-03-05
Жмурки architect, Tsereteli 2005-05-26
Мама, не горюй 2 Sailor 2005-06-21
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Даже не думай 2: Тень независимости 2004-04-01
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Даже не думай Chernov 2003-03-31
Трио Nikolay 2003-09-05
Шукшинские рассказы Хмырь ( Вянет-пропадает, Фильм №6 ) 2002-04-12
Спартак и Калашников 2002-04-06
Жизнь забавами полна Виктор 2002-03-17
Яды, или всемирная история отравлений Cesare Borgia 2001-07-11
Граница: Таежный роман Vyacheslav Voron - major-osobist 2001-01-01
Вместо меня 2000-01-01
Свадьба Garkusha 2000-05-14
Нежный возраст Окуньков (старлей милиции) 2000-06-06
24 часа Lyova Shalamov 2000-11-03
Мама Yuryev-father 1999-03-31
День полнолуния Captain 1998-08-29
Мама, не горюй Sailor 1997-02-24
Прохиндиада 2 1994-01-02
По прямой Dima - okhrannik na zone 1992-05-30