Image of Malin Buska

Malin Buska

1984-03-15 Sweden

Image of Malin Buska


Malin Kristina Buska, is a Swedish actress. She was born and grew up in Övertorneå and studied in Luleå. She has acted at the Lule Stassteater and studied acting at Teaterhögskolan in Malmö between 2004 and 2007. She made her film debut in 2011 in the film Happy End. Buska also had a role in the film Snabba Cash III and the leading role in the 2015 film The Girl King, a biographical drama about Christina, Queen of Sweden. In 2011 she was awarded the Rising Star award at the Stockholm Film Festival. At the Elle-gala in 2015 she was announced as Best Dressed Woman of the Year. From Wikipedia


Turpa Kiinni Minun Haters Sofia 2019-01-27
Armoton maa Cindy 2017-01-20
The Girl King Kristina 2015-12-11
Flugparken Diana 2014-11-28
Kärlek deluxe Vanja 2014-01-17
Snabba cash - Livet deluxe Natalie Krajnic 2013-08-30
Prime Time Hannah Persson 2012-07-04
Happy End Katrine 2011-09-23
Tussilago A 2010-01-29