Image of Ho Fan

Ho Fan

1937-10-08 Shanghai, China

Image of Ho Fan


A native of Guangdong born in Shanghai on 8 October 1931, Ho Fan came to Hong Kong at the age of 18 and studied in The Evening School of Higher Chinese Studies and New Asia College. Ho has dedicated much of his time to literature and photography since his school days. His photography was well-known for using light, shadow and composition to create a sense of drama, capturing the appearance of small people in Hong Kong, and has won numerous international awards. He passed away in California on 19 June 2016.


金玫瑰 1972-01-20
Blind Swordswoman 1971-01-26
钓金龟 Sun Jia Wen 1969-05-20
女兒國 Monk Tang Xuan Zang 1968-01-26
盤絲洞 Monk Tang Tseng / Tripitaka 1967-08-21
慾海情魔 David Xu 1967-02-23
珊珊 Yu Chih Chien 1967-10-16
藍與黑 Hui Ya's husband 1966-06-29
藍與黑(下) Hui Ya's Husband 1966-07-20
女秀才 Wei Zhuan-Zi 1966-11-23
鐵扇公主 Monk Tang Xuan-Zang 1966-08-09
歡樂青春 Himself (Cameo) 1966-12-21
西遊記 Monk Tang Xuan Zang 1966-01-18
宋宮秘史 Empress Di's Son 1965-10-16
紅伶淚 Luo Shao-Hua 1965-08-26
雙鳳奇緣 Hsiao's step-brother 1964-12-10
不了情 Tang's Brother 1961-10-12