Image of Pinky Cheung Man-Chi

Pinky Cheung Man-Chi

1971-09-30 Hong Kong, China

Image of Pinky Cheung Man-Chi


Pinky Cheung Man-Chi grew up in Hong Kong, but spent some of her schooling years abroad in the USA and Japan. After the attention brought by her presence in the Miss Asia contest, she was signed up by ATV and was in a number of TV series – one of the most popular being My Date with a Vampire. After this she embarked on a series of horror films.


風再起時 2023-02-05
總是有愛在隔離 Hung 2021-04-22
非同凡響 Xiao-Li 2018-10-11
洩密者們 Ying Seow Chern 2018-06-15
回到起步時 2016-01-01
我們停戰吧! 2015-09-17
殺人犯的石頭 2013-01-01
滅門 Lucy / The Seventh Wife 2010-01-21
火龍對決 Cheung-on's wife 2010-04-01
殭屍新戰士 Sue 2010-11-11
游龍戲鳳 2009-01-23
短暫的生命 Inspector Cat Lam 2009-05-06
奪帥 Tracy 2008-02-29
大四喜 Ling, Fat's 2nd wife 2008-05-29
鬼眼刑警 Ling 2006-11-05
新紮師姐之百分百型警 Kammy Ching Ka Mei 2004-01-01
後天殺人狂 Kammy Ching Ka Mei 2004-01-01
這個阿爸真爆炸 2004-03-27
性感都市 2004-02-26
野獸特警 2003-01-01
戀上你的床 Ah P 2003-07-25
黑白森林 7 UP's wife 2003-06-20
我的麻煩老友 Ann Chai 2003-08-28
新紮師姐 Kammy Ching Ka Mei 2003-01-01
新紮師姐之不安全地帶 Kammy Ching Ka Mei 2003-01-01
絕種好男人 2003-05-01
致命性騷擾 Jacquline Yu 2002-01-31
當男人變成女人 Pinky 2002-05-23
陰陽愛 Cher 2001-03-01
火武耀扬 2001-03-01
情迷大話王 Selina Li 2001-04-12
陰陽路十之宣言咒 Ghost 2001-03-22
暗鬥 Cici 2001-01-11
殺出個未來 2001-05-24
人間蒸發 2000-03-25
OL誘惑之各自各精彩 Monica 2000-06-23
熱血刑警 Kwan 2000-01-18
情陷百樂門 Lisa 2000-08-31
生人勿近之邪花 Jess 2000-03-24
制服誘惑2:地下法庭 Pinky 2000-03-10
火爆刑警 2000-11-16
跑馬地的月光 2000-12-07
俠骨仁心 Ann Chai 2000-09-03
潛龍奪寶 2000-04-06
鬼請你睇戲 Pinky 1999-10-30
鬼片王之再現凶榜 Miss Cheng 1999-11-18
生人勿近之問米 Ching 1999-01-01
1959某日某 1999-02-04
勾魂惡夢 Fong's Wife 1999-05-20
原始武器 Ling's Friend 1999-01-01
自殺前14天 Gi Gi 1999-03-20
舞廳 1999-10-05
強姦3:OL誘惑 Lau Wan Chi 1998-07-03
超級整蠱霸王 Woman who gets tricked 1998-08-02
行運秘笈 1998-09-12
偉哥的故事 Man Man 1998-12-05
超級無敵追女仔2之狗仔雄心 1997-12-20
黑獄斷腸歌之砌生豬肉 Jess 1997-11-15
97古惑仔:戰無不勝 KK 1997-03-28
千王 Miss Su 1991-05-16