Image of Seiko Nakano

Seiko Nakano

1952-08-02 Hiroshima, Japan

Image of Seiko Nakano


Seiko Nakano (中野 聖子, Nakano Seiko, August 2, 1952) is a former Japanese voice actress from Hiroshima Prefecture. She was a first generation student at the Toei Audio Talent School. During her active career, she belonged to Aoni Production and 81 Produce. She retired in the early 1990s. Not to be confused with the voice actress of the same name from Aichi Prefecture, Seiko Nakano (中野 聖子).


ドラゴンボール 魔訶不思議大冒険 Gatchan (voice) 1988-07-09
ゴキブリたちの黄昏 Walla (voice) 1987-11-21
装鬼兵MDガイスト 1986-08-13
ガルフォース ETERNAL STORY Solnoid Bridge Crew (voice) 1986-07-26
戦国魔神ゴーショーグン 時の異邦人(エトランゼ) Employee (voice) 1985-04-27
Theかぼちゃワイン ニタの愛情物語 Seiko (voice) 1984-07-14
魔法の天使クリィミーマミ 永遠のワンスモア Pino-Pino 1984-10-28
黒い雨に打たれて Yuri (young) (voice) 1984-08-12
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん ほよよ!世界一周大レース Gatchan 1983-03-13
はだしのゲン Eiko Nakaoka (voice) 1983-07-21
Thunder Woman (uncredited) 1982-07-11
浮浪雲 O-Koto (voice) 1982-04-24
アンドロメダ・ストーリーズ Narrator 1982-08-21
Dr.スランプ アラレちゃん ハロー!不思議島 Gajira Norimaki (voice) 1981-07-18
世界名作童話 白鳥の湖 Princess Francine (voice) 1981-03-13
闇の帝王・吸血鬼ドラキュラ Carly / Mallisa / Woman A (voice) 1980-08-19