Image of Candy Lo

Candy Lo

1974-10-18 Hongkong, China

Image of Candy Lo


Candy Lo is a Canto- rock singer-songwriter and film actress from Hong Kong. Formerly the lead vocalist of the band Black and Blue, Lo launched her solo career in 1998 and is best known for the singles, "Trash" (垃圾) and "Please Break Up" (好心分手).


1人婚禮 2023-01-20
感動她77次 2021-05-14
明月幾時有 Chu Muk Lan 2017-07-01
原諒他77次 2017-03-10
雷颂德THANK YOU演唱会 2013-06-21
澀青 298-03 2013-12-24
Concert YY 黃偉文作品展 2012-09-28
報應 Amy 2011-05-05
美好時光 2008-01-01
六樓后座2 家屬謝禮 Candy 2008-04-24
Vampire Super Cheng Miao 2007-01-01
嚦咕嚦咕對對碰 Hung 2007-02-01
談談情說說性 2006-06-25
妻骨未寒 May 2006-11-09
四大天王 Herself 2006-04-05
Half Twin Lok Yan / Lok Ling 2006-05-11
半醉人間 Candy 2006-01-19
蟲不知 Moon's mom 2005-07-20
男上女下 Lam May Chu 2004-02-26
六壯士 何詠詩 2004-09-02
大丈夫 Anna 2003-08-11
六樓后座 Candy 2003-06-04
賤精先生 Mrs Gloria Wong 2002-09-05
見鬼 Yee 2002-05-09
嫁個有錢人 MT 2002-02-07
戀愛行星 Tina 2002-03-28
风流家族 Kaka 2002-03-07
Hiu sam seung oi Wai Ching/ Wai Sum 2002-09-19
無問題2 Lam Doi 2002-02-06
常在我心 Jane 2001-09-25
順流逆流 Josephine Hong 2000-10-19
自從他來了 Hau-Yam (Actress) 2000-05-25
十二夜 He-man 2000-04-20